If you have a business and has a website, you need to know about the most effective on-line marketing techniques currently being used. Many businesses waste precious time and money on marketing tactics that have not been proven to work. This can cause problems for smaller businesses that do not have extra funds to devote to an on-line advertising budget.
Despite all this focus on effective on-line marketing tactics, remember that the visitor should always be your main consideration when designing a new site. Make your site easy to use and easy to buy from, and you will win a loyal following. Simple, straightforward sites perform best all around. Clearly labeled navigation, informative page content, secure on-line purchasing and ease of ordering are some key elements to a successful website. Make sure every page will load on a standard, smaller sized monitor (800 x 600 is a good size for testing) and does not require a high speed connection or additional sound and video features.
Overhaul your home page to make it as simple and easy-to-use as possible. You want to make a good impression on your visitor right away so they do not click the back button. Give them a brief text summary of your company, your website, and your products/services. Two or three paragraphs is plenty; save the detail for the inner pages. Don't use a form for your landing page. Forms have very little text, so they do nothing to help your rankings. In general, they do not convert well to sales either. You can still use a form somewhere on your index page, but make sure it is surrounded by several paragraphs of keyword-optimized content.
Sites with more content will rank higher in the search engines. Make sure your site has at least 5 pages of original text that is not published anywhere else. Include standard pages like "About Us" and "Testimonials" to add professionalism to your site. Always include a site map so you can be sure the search engine spiders can find every page. This also makes it easier for your visitors to find specific pages. Always use keyword-rich text links for navigation. Avoid generic links like "contact us" or "FAQ."
Make sure all of the basic SEO elements are present on your pages, such as title, description, and header tags. Keep them simple and brief. The search engines that still use them have character limits, and also have strict spam rules, so don't use a keyword more than once. Be as specific as possible when choosing keywords for your tags. For example, "auto repair" is very generic. Do not use any questionable or "black hat" SEO tactics that may get your site banned from the search engines completely. Avoid anything "tricky" like hidden text, pages of irrelevant links, or spamming your site in any way. Do not ever use frames in your site. This was a technique had been popular in the past, but it is now discredited by the search engines and is not a part of any effective on-line marketing plan.
Posted by Unknown at 10:03 PM
Search engine optimization expert services use a lot of strategies in order to make a website a successful one. If you are in search of a professional search engine optimization service, you can look at the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. All you have to do is type the specific keyword you desire, and then open the few websites that are on the top rank and view the search engine optimization person that made them on the top rank of the major search engines.
Search Engine Optimization is definitely the most powerful form of Internet Marketing in recent years and is bound to increase in the coming few years. Many Outsourcing services have now emerged from countries like UK, CANADA, and India providing cost effective Search Engine Optimization Services. Internet marketing services in the form of Search Engine Optimization has helped to build several successful business portals online. Many successful software firms, travel agencies, and business services are becoming aware of the power of Search Engine Optimization services.
It has been proven that you can generate 60% of your traffic alone from search engines like Google and the remaining 40% from Yahoo and other search engines. I, an Search engine optimizer is emerging as a new era of Online Business science, which helps to generate more traffic, and more revenues from your already existing businesses. Search engine optimization is further categorized into two categories; organic search and PPC (Pay per Click). Organic Search engine optimization depends on the natural ranking of your web page; whereas PPC is paid services offered for companies who want to kick start their business from day one without going through the labor of organic search engine optimization, which can be achieved only over a period of time.
Many Internet marketing services have emerged helping business owners to achieve top rankings on major search engines either through Organic Search or PPC. SEO expert services refer to insight into your website and how search engines see your website as well as how the people performing a search see your website. These services are the backbone of having your website optimized and it ensures that you will get maximum search engine coverage. To ensure that you get the best from your website you need to ensure that you use a SEO expert service with the skills and experience to make your website stand out from the competition and that it gets the maximum visibility that it deserves.
SEO services are recommended to ensure that your website is given the best possible chance of succeeding within the search engines. Also it is recommended that you use the help of a SEO service as they will be able to advise you on the designs to use on your site so not only will you have a website which will function well within the search engines but you will also have a site that looks good. Still not convinced? Then have a look around the Internet for yourself and you will soon see the benefits that SEO expert services can do for you.
Posted by Unknown at 9:49 PM